Company that Brings On Optimal Sustainable Thinking

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and more generally Concentrated Solar Technologies are worldwide recognized by the energy-intensive industries and energy producers for their strong potential for decarbonating the heat and power sectors.
Thermal energy storage capacity and ability to reach high temperatures are key advantages of these technologies for dispatchable power supply and zero carbon industrial production. They can boost carbon neutral solutions for small and large processes. They address industrial areas, such as:
- production of process heat, electricity, synthetic fuels, and fresh water, as well as
- qualification at high temperature (HT).
Our Mission & Vision

CSP-Boost company addresses the specific R&D needs of our customers and brings bespoke solutions combining an up-to-date academic innovation knowledge on the CSP technology with high-quality skills on its industrial application.
Drawing on our international long-term work experience, we offer a wide range of scientific and technical solutions to accompany our customers within their commitment to face the global energy challenges of the CO2 emissions reduction and renewable energy transition using CSP technology.
CSP-Boost provides project-based research valorization services for further development and uptake of the sustainable innovative solutions in the field of CSP technology.
Our action extends from the identification of the EU R&I funding opportunities and grant application to the dissemination and exploitation of the collaborative project results in the CSP field. We aspire to increase the impact of the industrial research on the societal and ecological challenges and promote the prosperous European Research-Industry collaborations.
Our Values

In CSP-Boost, we believe first and foremost that global sustainable change is a collaborative effort based on solidarity, responsibility and strong commitment. Together with high-quality skills, professional ethics and striving innovation, these values represent the bedrock of our company:
→ Sustainability and Innovation: we aim to contribute to decarbonize the energy and process sectors with solar thermal technologies looking for a positive environmental impact and operable innovative sustainable solutions.
→ Quality and Punctuality: we value the time and effectiveness as extremely precious work resources and consider its respect as a driving force of any collaboration. We constantly remain vigilant that our reputation meets the customer’s expectations.
→ Flexibility and Value: we address each innovation challenge and adapted solution individually to find the most efficient way for reaching the targeted objectives with the greatest value for the customer and society in a whole.
Meet Our Team

Benjamin Grange
Co-founder, CEO
- Research scientist specialized in R&D expertise for CSP-based solutions development
- 15 years of work experience in R&D international projects in CSP

Anastasiya Badziaka
Co-founder, COO
- EU funding consultant skilled in EU-funded project impact valorization services
- 8-year experience in European Affairs and large-scale Project Management (FP7, H2020 and Horizon Europe)
Do you have a project or a specific query? CONTACT US